Tvorimo Dobro project hands over New Year’s gifts to the seniors in care homes

11 Jan

As part of its Tvorimo Dobro nationwide project, TEDIS Ukraine traditionally greeted the residents of nursing homes for the elderly on the New Year.

Over 500 seniors benefitted from the aid: food packages, which included tea, cocoa, biscuits, chocolate bars, and other confectioneries. TEDIS Ukraine implemented three stages of the Tvorimo Dobro project in 2022.

The first stage took place in June to mark the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. TEDIS Ukraine sent a batch of humanitarian aid, including household chemicals and personal hygiene kits – weighing one ton in total – for the seniors in the nursing homes

The second stage was timed to celebrate the International Day of Older Persons in October. The social projects sent so-called warm kits: blankets, warm socks, etc. In total, the aid reached more than 500 people.